
Community Link Resident Portal

     HOA members login here to find their Property Account information; online request forms; member directory; AI chatbot for questions  about the HOA governing documents, and more. 
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Live. Enjoy. Thrive.
Ford's Colony aspires to be the preferred residential community in the greater Williamsburg area, attracting families and individuals of all ages who value an active, involved lifestyle in a gracious living environment. Talk of the Colony our monthly magazine, contains articles from your Board, committees and neighbors on Colony-specific and general-interest issues. Visit here for an overview of our website.​ Looking to buy, build or visit, please visit marketing website.
Board Work Session
January 21 | 9:30 a.m. | CSB/B
Board Meeting
January 23 | 2 p.m. | S&T Club
Architectural Review (ARC) | Tuesdays | 9 a.m. | CSB/A 
Activities | January 3| 9 a.m. |S&T Club
Communications | January 2 | 9 a.m. | CSB/B 
Facilities | January 16 |10 a.m. | CSB/B
Finance & Analysis | January 20 | 2 p.m. | CSB/B 
Marketing |January 14 | 3 p.m. | CSB/B
Nominating | No Meeting| 2 p.m. | CSB/A
Roads & Project Maintenance |January 15 | 3 p.m. | CSB/B
   Landscape Design SC (LDSC)| January 13| 1:30 p.m. | CSB/B
Security | January 21 | 3 p.m. | CSB/B
   Emergency Preparedness (EPSC) |No Meeting
Strategic Planning| January 6 |10 a.m. | CSB/B
Technology | January 16 | 3 p.m. |CSB/B
Volunteer Management |No Meeting
S&T and Exercise Studio Assignments
To confirm room availability contact the Activities & Recreation Manager at 757-258-4270 or jholland@fchoa.net.



eUnify Community Link Resident Portal is a cloud-based member portal that allows residents to manage their FCHOA account online at any time. Here is a short video with information about the portals. 
NEW - The Board of Directors Election and Annual Meeting Proxy/Ballot is now in Elections page of the portals. 

For statement of goals click here.

SAVE a Life with Hands-Only CPR and an AED (Automated Electronic Defibrillator)
In an emergency, knowledge of how to do Hands-only CPR and use an AED  can help save a life. Ford’s Colony wants to ensure that you are prepared.  
Ford’s Colony has AED devices which can be located via the App, Pulsepoint, which also gives you locations throught out our area.  Go to the App store on your Apple or Android device to download this app.

Committee Openings
Click on this button to check out the latest committee openings and apply.


The Ford's Colony Homeowners Association Website is pleased to have the following sponsor. For more information about becoming a sponsor, contact Jenny Holland at jholland@fchoa.net or 757-258-4270.

No articles found.

Upcoming Events
Blood Drive
Wednesday, February 26th, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at S&T Club
Blood Drive
Friday, March 28th, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at S&T Club