0. Community Link Portal
1. FCHOA Website
  • chevron_rightWhy did my event not show up in the Upcoming Events box?
    If your event does not appear, it may be waiting for approval. If it is not approved, you will be notified of the reason. Also, only the next four chronologically scheduled events will appear in the box on the Home page. You have to select the ‘View All Events’ link to see additional items. Once your event passes its scheduled date, it will be removed from the website.
  • chevron_rightHow do I navigate the fchoa.org website?

    The website is divided into the following six sections which are accessible by clicking on the buttons in the navigation panel at the top of this and every page:
    • HOME
    • ABOUT US
    Three of these sections (ABOUT US, RESIDENTS, and ASSOCIATION) are further subdivided into more functional areas, available through drop down menus. Just click on the page you want to open.
    You can log into your Community Link Resident Portal from the “Welcome!” section of the Home page.
  • chevron_rightHow do I find out about available activities at Ford's Colony?
    Upcoming Events are listed on the HOMEPAGE of our website and via link in the weekly "What’s Happening in Ford’s Colony" email newsletter. The HOA Facebook page, Ford’s Colony Living, also has information on upcoming events.
  • chevron_rightHow do I get an updated copy of the resident directory?

    The Homeowner Directory is available on the Community Link Portal. You may also request a copy from Community Services for a small fee, at communityservices@fchoa.net or 757-258-4230.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the requirements for an event to be posted in the 'Upcoming Events' box on Home page of this website?
    The event must be available to all Ford’s Colony residents. No commercial or charity events will be posted. 
  • chevron_rightHow do I submit an event to be included in the 'Upcoming Events' box?
    Select the ‘View All Events’ link at the bottom of the ‘Upcoming Events’ box on the Home page. Then select the ‘Add New Event’ at the top of the displayed events. This will take you to a form and instructions for submission of an upcoming event.
  • chevron_rightIs my information on this website private?
    Absolutely!  Ford's Colony HOA is committed to keeping your personal information private.  Ford's Colony HOA will not sell, distribute, or share any personal information you provide.  Any personal information we possess will be used for the sole purpose of administering the relationship between yourself and Ford's Colony HOA.  Please review our full website policies for more information. 
    As of June, 2024, your contact information was moved from the fchoa.org website to the Community Link Resident Portal. There, you have the option of restricting which parts of your information are displayed on the Portal. See FAQs under the “Community Link Portal” section for more information.
  • chevron_rightWhere can I get a map of the property?
    Community Services has large maps of Ford's Colony to purchase for $3. To get to the Maps of Ford's Colony on this website first click on 'Residents' at the top of this page, select 'Directories' from the drop down menu, then scroll down to 'Ford's Colony Map'.
2. 'Talk of the Colony'
  • chevron_rightHow do I get something in the Talk of the Colony, and who controls the review process?

    The focus of the Talk of the Colony is to inform Ford’s Colony property owners of the business of the Ford’s Colony Homeowners Association (FCHOA) and community activities. It is not designed to publicize events or activities generally available in the local media. Articles for the magazine may be submitted by the FCHOA Board of Directors, the Management Agent, standing or ad hoc committees, and residents.

    Articles should be written in a positive style and not be demeaning or divisive. They should be factual and not mere expressions of opinion. Articles must be submitted by the 5th of each month in MS Word format to the production assistant at talkofthecolony@fchoa.net. Authors must include their name, telephone number, and email address with all articles and photos submitted.
    The Board of Directors has assigned responsibility for soliciting, producing, reviewing, and editing the content of the Talk of the Colony to the Communications Committee.
  • chevron_rightWhat guidelines should I be following if I want to contribute an article to the Talk of the Colony?
    A Style Guide has been created by the Communication Committee.  Click on "ABOUT US" then on the TALK OF THE COLONY selection. In the first paragraph, there is a link to the Style Guide. It will display the guidelines to be used for the Talk of the Colony and on the website.  
  • chevron_rightWhere can I submit a charity event with which I am involved?

    A charity event for the benefit of an organization qualified under IRS 501-(c)(3) or like status can be submitted by a Ford’s Colony resident by sending an email with the event’s name, date, time, location, cost, and Ford’s Colony contact to talkofthecolony@fchoa.net or call the Activities & Recreation Manager’s office at 757-258-4270. 
    Event information must be received no later than the 5th of the month for publication in the next month’s edition. Events will be published only one time. The decision of the editors to include or not to include the event is final.
3. Community Services
  • chevron_rightHow do I find out additional information about renting the Swim & Tennis Club?
    Contact Activities & Recreation Manager at 757-258-4270 or use the ‘Contact Us’ tab by selecting ‘Activities & Recreation Manager’ in the ‘Send To’ dropdown menu.
  • chevron_rightI am planning to sell my property and will need to get a disclosure package. - How do I obtain one?
    Virginia State Law requires that the seller of property provide a disclosure package to a buyer. Community Services provides this package for you. The Resale Disclosure Request form (found on the Community Link Resident Portal and titled “REQUEST – Disclosure Package”) can be submitted or you can stop in at 100 Manchester Drive. There is a $281.28 charge ($264.08 for electronic version) and it will be ready within a 14-day period allowed by law.
  • chevron_rightIf I want to: paint my home, take down a dead tree on my lot, put on an addition, add to my landscaping, put in a satellite dish, or add a fence - What do I need to do?
    Call Community Services at 757-258-4230 to assist you with these concerns or use the “Contact Us” facility by selecting Community Services in the “Send To” dropdown menu. They will provide you with any forms that may be needed to receive approval from the Architectural Review Committee (ARC).
  • chevron_rightThere's a home under construction on my street. I'd really like to see the plans. Can I do that?
    All plans are available for viewing at the Community Services Office. Give them a call at 757-258-4230 to let them know and the plans will be available when you arrive. They do not allow plans to leave the office and do not allow photo-copying due to possible copyright violations.
  • chevron_rightWhom do I contact to register a concern about a problem in my neighborhood?
    If the problem is controlled or caused by a neighbor, you should first try to resolve the issue by talking to that neighbor. Most of the time, a friendly chat is more effective than a call or visit from the "authorities." Issues such as trees that appear to endanger people or property, streetlight outages, damaged street signs should be addressed to Community Services at 757-258-4230, or use the “Contact Us” menu item on the website or use the "Ask For Maintenance" menu item on the website. The question will then be directed to the appropriate staff member.
    More immediate issues, such as suspicious activity or pet nuisances, should be referred to Security at 757-258-4080. An officer should be able to respond within a very short period of time.
    The most efficient means of dealing with telephone, power outages, water and sewer problems, refuse removal concerns, and the like, is to call the appropriate utility company. The vast majority of problems in this area are not known by or under the control of the Community Services or Security Department personnel. Direct contact by the affected homeowner with the responsible agency is most appropriate. A list of many of these local area contacts is available in the Area Guide section.
4. Living in Ford's Colony
  • chevron_rightHow can I find out what the Board of Directors and the various volunteer committees are doing?
    All residents and property owners are invited to attend any meeting of the Board. Each meeting is announced through an official email which includes the agenda.  The schedule is also included as part of the Board of Directors Meeting Calendar on page 2 of every Talk of the Colony magazine, and on this website under "Home" and then "Calendar". Regular Board meetings are generally held at 2 p.m. every fourth Thursday of the month. Additionally, Town Hall meetings are held in the evening one or more times a year, notice is given via FCHOA magazine and emails. Minutes of Board and Committee Meetings are available at the Community Services Office and on the Community Link Resident Portal under "Documents".
  • chevron_rightHow do I change my mailing address?
    Contact Community Services at 757-258-4230 with the new information, or use "Contact Us" on fchoa.org.
  • chevron_rightHow many homes are in Ford's Colony?
    There are over 2,700 homes currently built in Ford's Colony. Most lots are sold and are privately owned. At build-out there should be about 3,000 homes in Ford's Colony.
  • chevron_rightI've heard that there are outdoor watering restrictions in effect. Where can I find out what they are and whether they apply to me?
    From May 1 to September 30 of every year, there are restrictions that help the County manage water demand. These restrictions may be modified from time to time, it is best to check the most current information available on the County's website at jamescitycountyva.gov. You may also call the County at 757-253-6728.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the assessment fees for property owners?
    To see the current FCHOA assessment charge click on RESIDENTS, then select PAY ASSESSMENTS.  These charges are billed quarterly, and may be prepaid.  There are additional charges for sub-associations.
  • chevron_rightWhat is the number to Community Services, Swim & Tennis, Project Maintenance?
    Community Services: 757-258-4230
    Swim & Tennis: 757-258-4270
    Project Maintenance: 757-258-4230
  • chevron_rightWhen is the pool open? Do I have to sign in? How many guests may I bring with me?
    The schedule for the pools will be published in the Talk of the Colony and on the Home page of the website, but they are usually open from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend. Everyone must register in the sign-in book, located at the podium or at the Lifeguard Office. Up to three guests may be registered by a resident or property owner who is at least 18 years old. 
    Click here for the complete copy of the Facilities & Amenities Rules and Regulations.
  • chevron_rightWho do I call if a sprinkler head in my yard burst?
    If a sprinkler head burst, contact your irrigation specialist. If you cannot contact your irrigation company, you can call JCSA to temporarily cut off your water.
  • chevron_rightWho do I contact if a water line to my home burst?
    If a water line bursts, contact JCSA. The resident would then have to contact a plumber.
  • chevron_rightWho do I contact if I have a tree that has fallen in my yard?
    Disclaimer:  This is not legal advice.  What follows is how we approach situations, that is based on the advice we have received from legal counsel.  In general, when a tree falls from someone else’s property onto your property, the portion of the tree that falls onto your property is your responsibility.  The portion that remains on the other property is their responsibility.  This may change if your neighbor’s tree was dead or diseased, and your neighbor breached a duty to remove the tree. 
    In general, you have the right to trim to the property line the portion of any tree that hangs over onto your property.  In extreme cases, encroaching trees and plants may be regarded as a nuisance when they cause actual harm or pose an imminent danger of actual harm to adjoining property. If so, the owner of the tree or plant may be held responsible for harm caused to the adjoining property, and may also be required to cut back the encroaching branches or roots, assuming the encroaching vegetation constitutes a nuisance.  This was the finding in Fancher v. Fagella, which some people believe changed the law.
    The FCHOA will always attend to situations where a tree in a common area poses a danger to private property.  Some equate an easement to a common area; that is not always the case.  Every lot has easements, but not every lot adjoins common property.  Unless a tree on private property is in imminent danger of falling and causing damage to adjoining property, the FCHOA does not get involved.  Even then, the Association has the right, but not the duty, to do so.  These are neighbor-to-neighbor issues unless the Association exercises its right to self-help.
  • chevron_rightYou've said that if the FCHOA closes a road due to flooding, it's not negotiable. How will emergency vehicles get through?
    Flooding over our major roads is a very uncommon event. Our emphasis during such events is to ensure the safety of our community, both in preventing traffic from venturing into water which is capable of moving vehicles off the road, and in making sure that authorities can respond to emergencies. Emergency vehicles are designed to be able to traverse through snow, over rough terrain, and through significant amounts of water. Their frames are high and their weight is such that they are not subject to hydroplaning like cars, trucks, SUVs, and even vehicles like a Hummer. The emergency vehicles will be able to get through.
5. Security