Committee Openings
The Facilities Committee is looking for new members to join the team. Major responsibilities including monitoring and identifying needs for the S&T Club, Community Services building, swimming pools, tennis courts, & guard houses. The committee maintains a master plan of needed work and funding requirements for the future.
The Finance Committee is looking for volunteers. This committee consolidates, reviews and recommends spending Committee budget requests to the Board of Directors (BOD); recommends modifications in the homeowners’ assessments in conjunction with its budget recommendation to the BOD; reviews monthly financial statements prepared by the Management Agent for compliance with the adopted budget and investigates any significant variances; assesses performance and quality of independent auditors; ensures that a Capital Reserve Study is conducted at least once every 5 years; evaluates major projects requiring significant capital funds, including evaluating financing
alternatives; recommends investment policies for FCHOA reserves and excess operating funds to the Treasurer and BOD; coordinates the timely preparation and filing of the Association’s taxes; and, coordinates with other committees to advise the BOD on the budgetary impact and/or requirements of matters being considered by the committee by focusing solely on the financial considerations and taking care not to conflict with the responsibilities of the other committee and reviews project for both financial considerations and risks.
Contact Terry Moran, marketing-chair@fchoa.net
The Ford's Colony Marketing Committee is looking for volunteers to help promote our wonderful community.
The Committee Manages:
And, the Committee works with the FC Country Club, top-selling brokers in Ford’s Colony and the Williamsburg Tourism Council.
The committee meets on the second Tuesday of every month and requires minimal work outside of the monthly meetings.
If you have any experience with any of the following skills you would be a great fit for the Marketing Committee. Note-taking; Marketing; Organization; Sales; Data entry; Photography; Social media and a love for Ford’s Colony.
Contact Dave Kleppinger, rpm-chair@fchoa.net
Ford's Colony looks great… you can help keep it that way by joining our committee. The Roads & Project Maintenance Committee is tasked with recommending nearly half of the Ford’s Colony budget and has oversight responsibility for oversight of the maintenance of much of our infrastructure. Not just roads, pipes and streetlights, but features that make our community special: thirteen ponds, the Nature Trail, two fountains, four gazebos, eighteen dams, numerous beautifully landscaped areas and more.
Yes, we need engineers, but the backgrounds of our committee members include engineers, government officials, military, business owners, and contractors. All are keenly interested in growing and improving Ford’s Colony at Williamsburg. We will have some openings on the committee and will need some help—your help.
Contact Michael Bouchard, security-chair@fchoa.net
The Security Committee's primary purpose is to advise and assist the Board of Directors and the Managing Agent on issues relating to the security, safety and emergency-preparedness functions of the Security Department. We communicate on a regular basis to the community, the Board of Directors and the Managing Agent. Computer skills in Microsoft Word® and Excel® are recommended, but not required.
Contact Maureen Marston, strategicplanning-chair@fchoa.net
The Strategic Planning Committee is seeking members to assist in conducting various tasks and projects. We are currently looking for a survey, data person. Someone who loves to design and analyze surveys, to find out what we can learn from data about Ford’s Colony and its residents' wants and needs. Someone who can work with online research and excel spreadsheets. Insights will help assess community satisfaction and help determine future direction. The committee could also use a person experienced with real estate or government regulations.
Contact Andy Reho, technology-chair@fchoa.net
Do you have academic or technology-based work experience in information technology systems engineering or architecture, network engineering, or IT operations?
Would you like to help influence current and future information technology here at Ford’s Colony?
The Ford’s Colony Technology Committee is chartered to advise and assist the FCHOA Board and Managing Agent on the use of technology in support of all HOA functions. Our focus is heavily on technology as it applies to the efficient and effective provision of services to our residents.
We are currently looking for residents with reasonably recent knowledge of or experience in IT standards for hardware and software, cyber security, IT as it applies to customer relationship management, local area network engineering, and cloud-based applications. We perform various studies and analyses, using Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint to communicate our results. We are seeking full members as well as single study task associate contributors. Please contact us to learn about current projects and tasks.
Activities | Architectural Review | Communications | Covenants | Facilities |
Finance | Marketing | Nominating | Roads & Maintenance | Security |
Strategic Planning | Technology | Volunteer Management |