Why Volunteer?
Ford’s Colony cannot function without the many volunteers who assist on the standing and ad hoc committees authorized by the Board of Directors. The opportunities range from committees that enhance life in the Colony to being a member of the Board of Directors. Our volunteers help keep Ford's Colony a vibrant community where current and future residents want to live. 
If you are interested in volunteering, but not sure where you might fit, contact the Volunteer Management Chair at volunteer-chair@fchoa.net. Or click "Apply Here" below, sign up and we will contact you.
Committee Openings
Contact Ken Ruszkowski, facilities-chair@fchoa.net
The Facilities Committee is looking for new members to join the team. Major responsibilities including monitoring and identifying needs for the S&T Club, Community Services building, swimming pools, tennis courts, & guard houses. The committee maintains a master plan of needed work and funding requirements for the future.
Contact Larry Sporn, finance-chair@fchoa.net
The Finance Committee is looking for volunteers. This committee consolidates, reviews and recommends spending Committee budget requests to the Board of Directors (BOD); recommends modifications in the homeowners’ assessments in conjunction with its budget recommendation to the BOD; reviews monthly financial statements prepared by the Management Agent for compliance with the adopted budget and investigates any significant variances; assesses performance and quality of independent auditors; ensures that a Capital Reserve Study is conducted at least once every 5 years; evaluates major projects requiring significant capital funds, including evaluating financing 
alternatives; recommends investment policies for FCHOA reserves and excess operating funds to the Treasurer and BOD; coordinates the timely preparation and filing of the Association’s taxes; and, coordinates with other committees to advise the BOD on the budgetary impact and/or requirements of matters being considered by the committee by focusing solely on the financial considerations and taking care not to conflict with the responsibilities of the other committee and reviews project for both financial considerations and risks.
Contact Terry Moran, marketing-chair@fchoa.net
The Ford's Colony Marketing Committee is looking for volunteers to help promote our wonderful community.
The Committee Manages:
  • The Ford's Colony Living website
  • Ford’s Colony Social Media accounts including Facebook and Instagram
  • Surveys of new residents once a year to find out why they chose Williamsburg and Ford’s Colony
And, the Committee works with the FC Country Club, top-selling brokers in Ford’s Colony and the Williamsburg Tourism Council.
The committee meets on the second Tuesday of every month and requires minimal work outside of the monthly meetings.
If you have any experience with any of the following skills you would be a great fit for the Marketing Committee. Note-taking; Marketing; Organization; Sales; Data entry; Photography; Social media and a love for Ford’s Colony.
Contact Dave Kleppinger, rpm-chair@fchoa.net
Ford's Colony looks great… you can help keep it that way by joining our committee. The Roads & Project Maintenance Committee is tasked with recommending nearly half of the Ford’s Colony budget and has oversight responsibility for oversight of the maintenance of much of our infrastructure. Not just roads, pipes and streetlights, but features that make our community special: thirteen ponds, the Nature Trail, two fountains, four gazebos, eighteen dams, numerous beautifully landscaped areas and more.
Yes, we need engineers, but the backgrounds of our committee members include engineers, government officials, military, business owners, and contractors.  All are keenly interested in growing and improving Ford’s Colony at Williamsburg. We will have some openings on the committee and will need some help—your help.
Contact Michael Bouchard, security-chair@fchoa.net
The Security Committee's primary purpose is to advise and assist the Board of Directors and the Managing Agent on issues relating to the security, safety and emergency-preparedness functions of the Security Department. We communicate on a regular basis to the community, the Board of Directors and the Managing Agent. Computer skills in Microsoft Word® and Excel® are recommended, but not required. 
Contact Maureen Marston, strategicplanning-chair@fchoa.net
The Strategic Planning Committee is seeking members to assist in conducting various tasks and projects. We are currently looking for a survey, data person.  Someone who loves to design and analyze surveys, to find out what we can learn from data about Ford’s Colony and its residents' wants and needs. Someone who can work with online research and excel spreadsheets. Insights will help assess community satisfaction and help determine future direction. The committee could also use a person experienced with real estate or government regulations.
Contact Andy Reho, technology-chair@fchoa.net
Do you have academic or technology-based work experience in information technology systems engineering or architecture, network engineering, or IT operations? 
Would you like to help influence current and future information technology here at Ford’s Colony?
The Ford’s Colony Technology Committee is chartered to advise and assist the FCHOA Board and Managing Agent on the use of technology in support of all HOA functions. Our focus is heavily on technology as it applies to the efficient and effective provision of services to our residents. 
We are currently looking for residents with reasonably recent knowledge of or experience in IT standards for hardware and software, cyber security, IT as it applies to customer relationship management, local area network engineering, and cloud-based applications. We perform various studies and analyses, using Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint to communicate our results. We are seeking full members as well as single study task associate contributors. Please contact us to learn about current projects and tasks.
What Does Each Committee Do?
Click on the Committee name for its description and links to its charter and minutes.
Activities Architectural Review Communications Covenants Facilities
Finance Marketing Nominating Roads & Maintenance Security
Strategic Planning Technology Volunteer Management    
  • Sanctions and coordinates the various clubs and groups providing social, cultural, educational, recreational and service activities for the enjoyment of property owners and residents
  • Coordinates the programs of various clubs and groups
  • Assists in scheduling the use of recreational facilities within Ford’s Colony
  • Members consist of representatives from each club and group, as well as an elected Executive Board consisting of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.  A Nominating sub-committee is formed each year to determine the next slate of officers.
  • The committee meets on the first Friday of the month at 9 a.m.
For more information, see the Meeting Minutes and Charter. If interested, continue to the Volunteer Management System.
Architectural Review
  • Acts on behalf of the Board in the implementation of Article VI (Architectural Control) of the Declaration of Protective Covenants
  • Reviews all applications for both new construction and addition and modification of existing homes for compliance with the Declaration as implemented in the “Purchaser's Handbook for Single Family Home Building at Ford's Colony”
  • The committee meets on Tuesdays.
For more information, see the Meeting Minutes and Charter. If interested, continue to the Volunteer Management System.
Return to the list of committees
Communications (includes Communications Strategy Planning, Editorial Planning and Digital Communications subcommittees)
  • Acts as the internal communications arm of the FCHOA and provides necessary information to owners and residents pertaining to the operation, maintenance and activities of the community
  • Publishes a monthly community magazine, the Talk of the Colony (TOC) containing articles from the Board, committees and neighbors on Colony-specific and general interest issues as well as homeowners’ classified ads and local advertisements
  • Manages the FCHOA.org website, ensuring that information is current and consistent with other internal communications channels
  • Develops, maintains and oversees an email system capable of electronically communicating urgent, important or necessary information from the Board or Management Agent to all residents and owners with email capability
  • Communicates routine information weekly via What’s Happening in Ford’s Colony (WHIFC), an electronic newsletter featuring activities and events of interest to residents and owners
  • The committee meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 9 a.m.
For more information, see the Meeting Minutes and Charter to read more about the committee. If interested, continue to the Volunteer Management System.
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  • The committee serves as a neutral and objective hearing tribunal to determine whether there have been violations of the Declaration, Bylaws, and rules and regulations of the Homeowners Association.
  • Special skills needed by volunteers:  Ability to fairly assess facts, understand and interpret the governing documents.  Legal, mediation, HOA background useful but not essential.
  For more information, see the Charter. If interested, continue to the Volunteer Management System
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  • Responsible for the continued well-being of all FCHOA-owned facilities: primarily the Swim & Tennis Club, Community Services Building, both swimming pools, both tennis courts, pickleball courts, Westbury Park, and the three guard houses
  • Monitors the condition of facilities
  • Identifies the need for current and future maintenance actions by working with the Management Agent on execution and recommending discretionary enhancements
  • Prepares and maintains a Facilities Committee Operating Project Budget, Capital Replacement Reserve Model, and Facilities Investment Plan that identifies needed project work and funding requirements over the next few years
  • Candidates for membership: Should enjoy working on issues both individually and as part of a team, be effective communicators, recognize the difference between big problems and small ones, are proud of Ford’s Colony’s facilities and want to help make them even greater.  A background that includes engineering, finance, construction, and/or contracting is desirable.
  • The committee meets on the third Thursday of the month at 10 a.m.
  For more information, see the Meeting Minutes and​ Charter. If interested, continue to the Volunteer Management System
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  • Carries out the FCHOA Finance Committee Charter, which states that the committee exists for the purpose of “… advising and assisting the Board on budgets, financial statements, and other financial matters and policies” 
  • Prepares the annual operating and capital budget
  • Recommends any changes in the homeowners’ assessments in conjunction with its recommendation to adopt budgets
  • Reviews the monthly financial statements prepared by the Management Agent for compliance with the adopted budget and investigate any significant variances
  • Assesses performance and quality of current independent auditors
  • Ensures that a Capital Reserve Study is conducted at least once every five years
  • Identifies and evaluates major projects requiring significant capital operating funds, including evaluating financing alternatives
  • Recommends investment policies for FCHOA reserves and excess operating funds to the treasurer and the Board
  • Coordinates the timely preparation and filing of the Association’s tax filings
  • Reviews continuously the Association’s operations under the jurisdiction of the committee for costs and efficiencies, while not reducing the quality or effectiveness of the operations of the Management Agent or committee
  • Coordinates with other committees of the FCHOA to advise the Board on the financial impact and/or requirements of matters being considered by the committees by focusing solely on financial considerations and taking care not to conflict with the responsibilities of the other committees
  • Candidates for membership should know Excel and be able to send and receive emails
  • The committee meets on Monday (prior to the BOD Meeting) at 2 p.m.
For more information, see the Meeting Minutes and Charter. If interested, continue to the Volunteer Management System.
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  • Executes the Colony's marketing plan and utilizes its website and other strategies to increase awareness and promote the Ford's Colony lifestyle locally and regionally. 
  • The committee seeks members who are familiar with social media, who will collaborate with other members and partners and who will reach out to residents and volunteers to help tell our story. 
  • Members work approximately 2-5 hours a month. 
  • The committee meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 3 p.m.
  • Maintains a social media presence for the community via Ford’s Colony Living, sharing news and events with owners, residents and others interested in Ford’s Colony in a readily accessible and visually dynamic format
For more information, see the Meeting Minutes and Charter. If interested, continue to the Volunteer Management System.
  • Identifies, recruits and nominates a slate of candidates to run for election to fill annual vacancies on the FCHOA Board
  • Attends standing committee meetings and, on occasion, BOD work sessions to search for Board of Director candidates and understand BOD member requirements
  • Interviews potential Board of Directors candidates and assists them with the application process
  • Arranges and facilitates the "Meet the Candidates" sessions where Ford's Colony residents have the opportunity to meet and interact with the candidates
  • Candidates for membership: Have an interest in contributing to our community and want to learn more about the daily operations of Ford’s Colony
  • The committee meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 2 p.m.
For more information, see the  Meeting Minutes and Charter.  If interested, continue to the Volunteer Management System.
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Roads & Project Maintenance (includes Landscape subcommittee)
  • Advises the Board on the operation and use of available resources to maintain, preserve, upkeep and improve roads, drainage systems, streetlight systems, common areas, and related equipment owned, or to be owned by the Association 
  • Landscape Design subcommittee:
    • Recommends updates to the Master Landscape Plan (MLP) for Ford's Colony and recommends and implements projects to enhance the look and feel of Ford's Colony in accordance with the MLP. 
  • The committee meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 3 p.m.
For more information, see the Meeting Minutes and Charter. If interested, continue to the Volunteer Management System.
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Security (includes Emergency Preparedness)
  • Monitors the performance of the Security Department by assisting in drafting and implementing policies and procedures and provides guidance and input on the overall security environment here
  • Acts as the liaison between the Board of Directors and the members of the Security Department 
  • Candidates for membership: Should have strong collaborative skills and an interest in helping maintain a safe and secure community. Some prior experience in any public safety or security-related field would be a plus, but is not a pre-condition to serving on this Committee 
  • The committee meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 3 p.m.
For more information, see the Meeting Minutes and Charter. If interested, continue to the Volunteer Management System.
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Strategic Planning
  • Advises and assists the Board in identifying, understanding and recommending approaches to strategic issues, both internal and external, that related to the Association’s responsibilities and may have a bearing on the continued well-being and efficient operation of the Association 
  • Creates, updates and continually monitors the FCHOA Five-Year Strategic Plan
  • Conducts ad hoc research as requested by the FCHOA Board 
  • Candidates for membership: The committee seeks to maintain a diverse set of perspectives with members who have leadership experience in strategy development roles in disciplines such as operations, marketing, finance, and service delivery.  
  • The committee meets on the first Monday of the month at 10 a.m.
For more information, see the Meeting Minutes and Charter. If interested, continue to the Volunteer Management System.
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  • Advises the FCHOA Board on the use of technology by the Association, the Management Agent and the Board committees in the performance of the FCHOA functions and makes recommendations for improvements in operation or cost by using newer or different technology
  • Reviews the use of technology by the HOA to ensure that latest technological advances are being implement in cost-effective manner
  • Responds to requests by the Board, the Management Agent or Board committees for advice and recommendations on existing uses of technology, or on new technology that the above parties are considering implementing.
  • Candidates for membership should have experience or background in physical sciences, engineering, information technology, project management, or networking.  We also welcome applicants who are interested in technology, but don’t necessarily have technical degrees or experience.
  • The committee meets on the third Thursday of the month at 3 p.m.
For more information, see the Meeting Minutes and Charter. In interested, continue to the Volunteer Management System
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Volunteer Management
  • Manages Ford’s Colony volunteerism strategies and processes through effective communication with all stakeholders
  • Maintains current volunteer information and committee tracking processes
  • Creates awareness of Volunteer Management and volunteer opportunities within Ford’s Colony through targeted communications and presentations, as appropriate
  • Recognizes volunteers for continuing efforts via appreciation events and communications
  • The committee meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 1:30 pm.
For more information, see the Meeting Minutes and Charter. If interested, continue to the Volunteer Management System.
Return to the list of committees
Board of Directors' Responsibilities:
The Board of Directors is the governing body of the Ford’s Colony HOA. The Board supervises and evaluates the Management Agent, who is responsible for the performance of day to day operations, maintenance, and management of all HOA assets. In addition the Board, with support from the Standing Committees of the HOA, is responsible for: developing long range strategic planning; financial management through the development and execution of an annual budget; developing Capital Reserve plans and replacement schedules for all HOA capital assets; communications with members, etc. The Board is the interface for the HOA with all governing entities outside our community. Directors are elected to a two-year term and may run for an additional two-year term.